LAJA Unseen #11


Enjoy and don’t forget to check out the name of the pose above on LAJA-gram (@miss_laja). Any guesses?

Leave them in the comments below!

LAJA Unseen #10 | LAJA Unseen #9| LAJA Unseen 8

When you’ve been posing for 5 hours but the photos aren’t lit

When bae come’s through with the food <3 _ <3
When  you cut your hair and your parents don’t recognize you 🙂




Gele Chronicles: George Me Not


Two of my favorite colours in one George material. George is a cotton African textile originating from Nigeria. It is adorned with bright colours and especially gold accents because it is usually worn by royalty. The fabric signifies wealth, luxury and status. The material is commonly worn for special occasions like weddings and church events.

I got this vintage piece from Grandma LAJA and style Mummy LAJA in the lovely number. It’s definitely a different look but what can I say, Mummy LAJA’s so fly <3 I completed the look with this dramatic piece from Fulfill Jewelry to amplify the aesthetic. Loud and proud, baby! Have a lovely weekend and I’ll talk to you in a bit! xx

Outfit Details

George: Vintage

Jewelry: Fulfill Jewelry

Makeup / Styling / Photography: LAJA Styles






New Chapter


I was soooo elated to attend the graduation of one of my long time girlfriends. She graduated Magnum Cum Laude from the University of Georgia! Yess of intelligent women. It was a great week of celebration and relaxation from a super long semester. Good things truly don’t come easy and I love seeing the results of continuous persistence in other people’s lives.

Of course I had to wear ankara to the graduation (repping the brand you know). If you don’t know, I’m actually a “back” type of girl if that makes sense meaning I feel it’s a lot sexier for sure. I’m all for low/open back tops and dresses, halters and all those good stuff so the Oyiubu dress makes me VERY happy and oh-so-sexy. Yeah, graduation and sexy, I don’t know how well those two mix but it worked out, haha! How about you? What pieces of clothing makes you feel the most confident? Sexiest? Let me know and cheers to a new chapter.

Outfit Details

The LAJA Oyibu dress

Shoes: Guess

Earrings: Fulfill Jewelry (loveee of my life haha)




Graduation Season


I wore this eye catching number to a graduation! It was super hot but super fun so this was perfect for the occasion. This jumpsuit is coming soon to LAJA so keep your eyes peeled 🙂 Great news, Exotique Durham now carries LAJA! I am very excited and feel truly blessed! This is a milestone for LAJA and things can only get better. Cheers to many more!

Outfit Details

Jumpsuit: LAJA (coming soon)

Sandals: Charlotte Russe

Jewelry: Fulfill Jewelry



Coral Tunes


I’m back at it with the corn rows again. 😀 Went with the mood and feel and where was I going? The library, true story hahaha!

I’ve been thinking about the whole veganism movement and living a simpler, healthier lifestyle. I always talk about self empowerment and I’ve been making efforts since last year to reduce the amount of meat I eat in my diet. After watching this speech today, I’ve been even more motivated to get rid of as much animal product from my diet. What do you guys think?

Outfit Details

Occassion: Classes, Errands, Causal… or the Library.

Skirt: LAJA

Dress (worn as blouse, #Innovation): Charlotte Russe

Coral Beaded Purse: EWA Collection

Shoes: Payless

Earrings: Fulfill Jewelry




Five Sisters

miss-laja-ankara-fashion (12)

My post in April starts with introducing this lovely dress that’s sister to this stunning Owa Maxi skirt. I wore it to a business event yesterday where I got to talk about my venture and passions. It was amazing speaking in front of an amazing group of important people so I decided on this chic dress and decided yellow was the way to go. I’ve decided I’ll start including occasion details to give you a better idea on where you can wear some of the outfits you see on here.

It’s available for purchase on LAJA. Like the OWA maxi, there’s only one available so know you and me will be the only ones in the world that have this lovely creation. I hope you have a lovely weekend!

Outfit Details

Occasion: Business Causal

LAJA “Boji Boji” Dress

Fulfill Jewelry Earrings + Bracelet

BCBG Shoes

miss-laja-ankara-fashion (7)miss-laja-ankara-fashion (6)miss-laja-ankara-fashion (11)miss-laja-ankara-fashion (1)miss-laja-ankara-fashion (8)Always,


Earth To LAJA


I’ll just be honest with myself and admit that I’m a sucker for flared skirts and off should tops (substitute turtle necks for colder weather)  This is a casual outfit that’s comfy yet chic. I found myself gravitating towards it and I thought “Not again.” This one is from my fashion line, LAJA. The amount of flared skirts prints and plain alike is quite embarrassing but in my defense, flares are very flattering on most body shapes. It’s versatile, you can wear flared-on-flared (my personal favorite as you can tell) or tight-on-flared so it’s a win-win. I plan on shooting more casual outfits for different occasions so keep your eyes peeled.

In other news, it’s crunch time for me. I’m a co-organizer for my school’s African cultural showcase and the show’s exactly a week from today so next week’s going to be very interesting. I’m quite excited. You know I love backstage chaos, hahaha! Wish me good luck 🙂

It’s also my burff-day on Monday but I’m most likely going to be stuck doing homework and getting things together for JABULANI. #LAJADay coming through! My roommate just mentioned Corbin Bleu’s getting married… What? Like what? Dayumm, time flies. Anyways, go to go now, off to dreamland.

Have a lovely weekend and talk to you in a bit!

Outfit details

Courte Skirt: LAJA

Crop top: Charlotte Russe

Thong Sandals: Ralph Lauren

Purse: Target




Blue Swan


Hey chica! I just got back from Spring break (very much needed) and if we’re friends on Instagram (@miss_laja), you’d know I was in New York! I got the chance to network with and meet lovely individuals who shed great insight on entrepreneurship, fashion and business.  It’s lovely being around people passionate about making a change. I feel truly blessed. I’m so happy  being consumed by a passion so much bigger than myself. I prefer staying up late brainstorming new ideas for this site or designs for my fashion line. It can be stressful but I label it “good stress” because it energizes me. What’s your source of “good stress”?

With the launch of LAJA, this OWA maxi feeds my never ending love for deep blue. The print is absolutely stunning and I felt really breezy in it. Yes, yes, it is available on LAJA and I’m working hard to add more pieces so keep your eyes peeled my love.

I’m quite excited for this new chapter if you ask me! Enjoy your week and I’ll talk to you in a bit!

Outfit Details

OWA Collage Maxi Skirt: LAJA

Earrings: Fulfill Jewelry

Purse: Segolene En Cuir





FINALLY, FINALLY I am SO elated to announce my fashion line, LAJA. An extension of my passion for promoting the beauty, diversity and versatility of African prints! I truly believe that African prints are versatile, are modern and I hope to empower woman through them. All the ankara print clothing I wear on here are designed by me so I want to share my designs with you all. I truly love what I do and pour my heart, soul and spirit into my pieces so know they are also an extension of my being and style.

We are celebrating this milestone with a 30% discount code (“HelloLAJA”) on all LAJA courte skirts!

I will be every active on here so don’t worry, Miss LAJA isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.

I’ll talk to you in a bit and thanks for hanging with me 🙂



Always and Forever,


Eternity & A Day


I have this sense of urgency about life. I always feel I can do more, do better, reach higher. At the stage (and age) I’m in, I believe so strongly it’s the best time to try out new things, go out of my comfort zone, make mistakes because honestly, things only get more complicated as time goes on. This mindset definitely has it perks and downfall. One being you actually get to do really cool things that aren’t as common or you wouldn’t have done had you waited for “the right time”. There’s no such thing. On the other end, you tend to put wayyy too much pressure on yourself as you easily tend to forget that thing we call time and patience. I’m guilty, guilty, guilty all the way.

I’m in such a position right now where I have to take critical decisions as to what direction I want to go in with Miss LAJA and my fashion career. The decision is a major game changer and will require quite some transition in my life. On the other end, it will lead me closer to achieving my dreams, goals and aspirations. I’ve read so much articles my brain is fried and I’ve spoken to may people. Then I realized I’m running because ultimately it’s up to me to make that decision. I know I always speak in riddles but I promise you, it’ll be very clear as to what the hell I’m talking about. It’s nothing bad, far from it. It’s a blessing and the potential opportunities scare me so much it’s hard to concentrate or think or sleep. All I ask is that you stay excited and you pray for me.

Eternity & A Day by Paul Haslinger fills me with so much hope. I almost feel infinite when listening to it. I imagine myself at the highest peak of a mountain amongst the clouds in awe of the view. Sublime. There’s so much beauty and love the world has to offer and while it can be beautifully overwhelming, it’s so important to take things one step at a time, one day at a time because it’s there. Listen to the song, what does it remind you of?

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Outfit Details

Dress: LAJA Styles

Sweater: Windsor

Blazer/Beret: Target

Shoes: Audrey Brooks

Coat: Metaphor
